
Wellness Exams

Food, water, and exercise aren’t always enough to keep your pet happy and healthy.

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Wellness Exams

The well-being of your pet on a day-to-day basis is crucial

In our dogs, diseases often strike unexpectedly, frequently when they could have been avoided. As a result, our general pet wellness treatments are created to prevent sickness and extend the lives of our dogs. You should begin preventative care as soon as you bring your new pet into your family and house. Between the ages of six and eight weeks, puppies and kittens should start receiving vaccinations. Physical tests, intestinal parasite screenings, and preventative deworming are all part of this course to safeguard your new family member’s health.

We recommend that you bring your dog or cat to our clinic every six months as they develop. Remember that our beloved pets age much more quickly than we do, so periodic checks will be crucial in keeping track of their health and any changes. These general wellness appointments will include full physical exams to ensure that everything is in working order, as well as any immunizations and intestinal parasite screens that may be required. These examinations safeguard not just your pet’s health, but also the health of other pets and your family. Annual blood screening is another service we provide.

Because many pets do not show symptoms of dangerous diseases until late in the disease’s progression, these blood screens can detect the disease in its early stages, potentially saving your pet’s life.